♡Lila Dovah♡

Age: 23
Pronouns: she/her
Race: Seekers of the Sun
Sexuality: Pansexual
Height: 5'1
Status: Single
Nameday: 25th Sun of the 5th Astral Moon
Guardian: Menphina
Personality: Outgoing, chatty, excited to learn and gain new skills and friends. Will go out of her way to help anyone if they need it, rather it be a lover or a friend in need. This Seeker's heart is too big for her own good.

Past History


RP Hooks

(RP Spoilers)



Common:New Friend
Lila is always looking for new friends to make, always just come up and start conversating with her. She'll love it.
A Student of New Hobbies
Have a skill or hobby you're good at? Lila loves to learn new things, from simple sewing to learning to use a sword. She'll learn just about anything.
Hundreds of Jobs:
Lila seems to be working a lot of different server jobs. Maybe you've seen her around, curious why she works so much.
Glutton for Food:
Lila likes to sit about and people watch, shoving treats and baked goods she's made in her cheeks. Maybe you causally encounter her!
Helping Hand:
Lila love children, she often spends her gil buying supplies to bake, sew, or crochet things for orphanages she can do to help! You've seen her around donating items or working on her crafts to help donate!

Rare:Knowing her Last Name:
It can be discussed OOC that you know the Dovah family line, rather good or bad. Lila still uses her last name, maybe you can bring her back to her parents or wonder where she's been for 5 years.
Purple Hair?:
Maybe you knew Lila from her prior life of living in the Dovah estate, rather you were a friend or acquaintance. He recognize her face, but why did she dye her hair and tail? Where has she been all these years?
The Secret
Lila was mixed in war, maybe you've seen her in it. Or hearing she had vanished from fighting never knowing why.

Lila was born into a prestigious line of Conjurers- the Dovah line was known due to their help in the many wars in times past. Lila, born in Gridania, was raised to not step out of line and not have a hair out of place. Always studying between her Conjuring and Scholar skills( along with the very illegal White Mage skill), primarily readying herself in order to accept the Dovah bloodline staff. When the Garlean Empire struck Eorzea, her parents granted her the staff to go out and help their efforts.

Lila, just 17, held the heirloom staff as she tried valiantly to keep up-healing and keeping back the Garleans from raiding nearby healing bays.Too much for a teen to handle, Lila tried to flee from the battle at hand- running off too close to an area that was near immediately struck with an explosion. She was able to escape within an inch of her life, family staff broken into pieces, and severely injured and burnt. Lila awoke in a infirmary near the accident, taking a long time in the ward to heal. Afterward, however, she walked away with overbearing, gnarly scars her body now hosts- giving her nerve damage, on top of being burned and blinded in her left eye.Lila took time to heal from the damage her body dealt with, and went into hiding- taking on lesser jobs during the war, Glamouring her appearance and hiding herself. At the time, she worked as a healer in lesser war-stricken areas, and kept a tab on her parents whereabouts in the meantime.

As the raging war came to a pass, Lila began to see the world without a tight leash on her. She began to pick up skills, do jobs, try new foods, and so many things she could never do.Lila had come to find a passion in helping with orphanages across many city-states. She would often travel from her cottage in the Shroud, to seek and help in orphanages. Cooking, clothing mending, tending to the children, anything she can do help the work load on the people who work there. Lila would often work any job she can do to help pay for her expenses.Lila holds a fear of her family finding out about their family heirloom staff that had broke in the war. She fear above all else what her grandfather, Draven Dovah, will do when he gets his hands on her. . .

Lila always hides herself behind glamours in order to keep herself feeling beautiful. Growing up, her parents were very vain about their appearance- instilling in her that she wasn't beautiful with her scars. To this day, Lila keeps her glamours a secret- always able to catch herself before it inevitably wears off. Though, she fears one day someone will know about her secret...

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Thank you for reading♡
♡Paps / 28 / she/her / (Crystal)
♡Timezone: EST
♡Active Hours: Mon - Fri after 10 PM EST (Almost always available if it's on Discord)
Sat & Sun All Day
♡I'm new to Final Fantasy series so I'm still learning the lore to the game.
♡OOC wise, I'm always hoping to make new friends along the way, not looking for a relationship.
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What I Will RP:
+ fun/ comedic/ cute/ slice of life scenarios
+Romance/ERP(build up please)
+Action/ Adventures/ Combat
+temporary injuries, imprisonment
+Walk Up Encounters
+Character Building
+In-game/Discord RP
+Long/short term RP
+Friendships, enemies
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Maybe, Ask to RP:
=Darker themes
=Permeant Injury/Disfigurement
=Long term imprisonment
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I Won't RP:
-Permeant character death
-Permeant change of personality
-OOC drama

Sexy Pink Heart